Friday, January 20, 2006

Le climat

Adjusting to the climate here in Paris has been a little difficult. Days are basically "gris." Sometimes it rains, once in a blue moon the sun shows, and most of the time it's just overcast. This has definitely had an effect on the mentality of me and my fellow american students. It's hard to get psyched up about a walk through Marais/Montmarte/wherever when things are so dreary. Luckily, it did somewhat lend to the ambience of visiting the Montparnasse Cemetary. We saw the graves of Albert Dreyfus (from the Dreyfus Affair), Jean-Paul Sartre, Charles Baudelaire, Samuel Becket, and that Larousse guy who started the dictionary company here... (if anyone wants to see a picture of me flashing the west side in front of Sartre's grave, let me know.)

Another issue has been the humidity. Even though it doesn't really get under 20 deg fahrenheit here, it gets you in the bones. If I hear my host dad say "il reste encore chaud aujourd'hui!" (it's warm again today) I might have to flip out. Just a little bit.


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