Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Les Soldes

The sales all over Paris are in full swing, having started the 10th of January, and running up to the 10th of February. Today, I finally caved in and checked out the Paul Smith and Etro stores. I tried to fit my normally-sized American feet into the skinny Paul Smith shoes, but no luck. Next stop was the only Etro store in France, located on the Blvd St. Germain. Finally picked up a very blue scarf and officially initiated myself into the cult of les Soldes.

The deal is, sales in Paris are strictly regulated. Sales occur twice a year, around July, and in January after the holiday season. Both times allow stores to liquidate old stock for new collections. Other than that, it's "strictement interdit" to have a sale unless you are literally going out of business, creditors repossessing your store, etc. So, basically, it's a big deal when they're around. As I found out at Paul Smith today, the early bird gets the worm. Although prices continue to fall every week, a lot of the choice items get snatched up right away, like pointy black laceups in a European size 45 for example. So, if anybody happens to be around Paris during a Solde, don't wait. Make up a list of higher-tiered stores and more accessible stuff and get moving, trust me. Plus, with the more expensive stuff, the prices drop by comparatively more $$. For example, one can find 400 Euro shoes for 200, etc.


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